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Regular articles

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  • Volume 20, no 2 (2024).

    • Dissecting the Onion: Identifying and Remediating Issues Surrounding Data Integrity in Online Survey Research
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      Modrakovic, Xen, Boone, Cheriko A., Kalwicz, David A., Rao, Sharanya, Parchem, Benjamin, Wittlin, Natalie M., Patel, Viraj V., Magnus, Manya, Zea, Maria Cecilia, Kharfen, Michael, Dovidio, John F., Calabrese, Sarah K.
      Keywords: Online Surveys, Data Integrity, Survey Development, Respondent Incentives, Bots
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • La temporalité dans les analyses de médiation
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      Vivier, Olivier, Lefebvre, Eva, Caron, Pier-Olivier
      Keywords: Médiation, CLPM, meilleures pratiques, temporalité, devis transversal
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Identifying Influential Observations in Multiple Regression
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      Camilleri, Carmel, Alter, Udi, Cribbie, Robert A.
      Keywords: Influential Cases, Monte Carlo Simulation, Outliers, Cook’s Distance, DFFITS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Response Time Distribution Analysis of Medium-Sized Datasets in MATLAB
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      Blinch, Jarrod, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: ex-Gaussian distribution function, geometric quantile averaging (GQA), quantile maximum probability estimator (QMPE)
      Tools: MATLAB
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Exploring dynamic structures of dyadic conversations using categorical cross recurrence quantification analysis: A tutorial
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      Duong, Shirley, Davis, Tehran J., Bachman, Heather J., Votruba-Drzal, Elizabeth, Libertus, Melissa E.
      Keywords: Dyadic interactions, categorical data, cross recurrence quantification
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Dynamic structures of parent-child number talk: An application of categorical cross-recurrence quantification analysis and companion to Duong et al. (2024)
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      Duong, Shirley, Davis, Tehran J., Bachman, Heather J., Votruba-Drzal, Elizabeth, Libertus, Melissa E.
      Keywords: parent-child interactions, number talk, math skills, recurrence quantification analysis
      Tools: R
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Compte rendu du colloque "Méthodes Quantitatives en Sciences Humaines (MQSH) 2024"
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      Caron, Pier-Olivier, Vivier, Olivier, Lefebvre, Eva, Achim, André, Ben Alaya, Ibtissem, Frenette, Eric, Laurencelle, Louis, Vanbelle, Sophie
      Keywords: Statistiques, Actes de colloque, MQSH 2024
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Relative importance analysis for count regression models
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      Luchman, Joseph N.
      Keywords: Dominance Analysis, Relative Importance, Poisson Regression, R-square, Negative Binomial Regression
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Local decorrelation for error bars in time series
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      Cousineau, Denis, Proulx, Anthony, Potvin-Pilon, Annabelle , Fiset, Daniel
      Keywords: Error bars, confidence intervals, time series, ERP, EEG
      Tools: R, Matlab, Mathematica
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • From Scratch: A Didactic Example of Multivariate Regression in Python
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      Ashiabi, Godwin S.
      Keywords: linear hypothesis testing, multiple regression, multivariate regression
      Tools: Python, statsmodels
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 20, no 1 (2024).

    • Addressing Dependency in Meta-Analysis: A Companion to Assink and Wibbelink (2016)
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      Assink, Mark, Wibbelink, Carlijn J. M.
      Keywords: meta-analysis, three-level meta-analysis, multivariate meta-analysis, robust variance estimation, effect size dependency
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Methodology for Identification, Visualization, and Clustering of Similar Behaviors in Dyadic Sequences Analyzed Through the Longitudinal Actor-Partner Interdependence Model With Markov Chains
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      Bollenrücher, Mégane, Darwiche, Joëlle, Antonietti, Jean-Philippe
      Keywords: Dyadic sequence; APIM model; Markov chains
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Evaluating Assessment via Item Response Theory Utilizing Information Function With R
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      Tan, Teck Kiang
      Keywords: Test information function, Item information function, Item response theory
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • ICO, un indice de la consistance ordinale d’une série statistique
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      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Ordinal consistency, monotonicity; data order
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A Compendium of Common Heuristics, Misconceptions, and Biased Reasoning used in Statistical Thinking
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      Husereau, Tracy, Cousineau, Denis, Zang, Shuo, Gibeau, Rose-Marie
      Keywords: Statistics reasoning; heuristics; cognitive biases; misconceptions
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 19, no 4 (2023).

    • Compte rendu du colloque "Méthodes Quantitatives en Sciences Humaines (MQSH) 2023"
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      Caron, Pier-Olivier, Bellemare-Lepage, Agathe, Casgrain, Juliette, Achim, André, Béland, Sébastien, Cousineau, Denis, Frenette, Eric, Lacourse, Éric, Laliberté, Félix, Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Statistiques, Actes de colloque, MQSH 2023
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Managing the Assumption of Normality within the General Linear Model with Small Samples: Guidelines for Researchers Regarding If, When and How.
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Zygmont, Conrad Stanisław
      Keywords: normality, parametric assumptions, Monte Carlo, normality test
      Tools: R
      (data file)   (no appendix)

    • Assessing Potential Heteroscedasticity in Psychological Data: A GAMLSS approach
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      Correa, Juan C., Kneib, Thomas, Ospina, Raydonal, Tejada, Julian, Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando
      Keywords: Heteroscedasticity, GAMLSS, Scientific Evidence.
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A Tutorial for Handling Suspected Missing Not at Random Data in Longitudinal Clinical Trials
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      Peugh, James L., Toland, Michael D., Harrison, Heather
      Keywords: MNAR, missing data, pattern mixture, selection
      Tools: Mplus
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 19, no 3 (2023).

    • Dyadic pattern analysis using longitudinal Actor-Partner Interdependence Model with Markov chains for unique case analysis
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      Bollenrücher, Mégane, Darwiche, Joëlle, Antonietti, Jean-Philippe
      Keywords: Dyadic intensive longitudinal categorical data, actor-partner interdependence model, Markov chains
      Tools: R
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • The Bayesian Approach is Intuitive Conditionally to Prior Exposition to These Examples
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      Pétrin-Pomerleau, Philippe, Vincent, Coralie, Garcia Mairena, Paola Michelle, Yilmaz, Ece, Théberge Charbonneau, Annie, Husereau, Tracy, Niyonkuru, Ghislaine, Jacob, Grace
      Keywords: Bayesian; Priors; Statistics Education; Vulgarization; Meta-statistics
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Pour la différence entre deux proportions jumelées, un nouveau test, plus valide et plus puissant [A new standard normal-based test for the difference between paired proportions to supersede obsolete McNemar-like and other indirect procedures]
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: McNemar, difference between paired proportions, alternative test
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Unpacking Habit With Bayesian Mixed Models: Dynamic Approach to Health Behaviors With Interchangeable Elements, Illustrated Through Multiple Sun Protection Behaviors
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      Li, Yuelin, Schofield, Elizabeth, Hay, Jennifer L.
      Keywords: habit; sun protection; Bayesian hierarchical models; variance heterogeneity; conditional probability
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Effects of violating the assumptions of equal variance and independent and identically distributed random variables: A case using Bayesian statistical modeling
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      Sawada, Tadamasa
      Keywords: Bayesian statistics, Bayesian modeling, Type-1 error, Unequal variance, Statistical literacy
      Tools: R
      (data file)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 19, no 2 (2023).

    • How to Generate Missing Data For Simulation Studies
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      Zhang, Xijuan
      Keywords: Missing Data; Incomplete Data; Simulation Studies; Creating Missing Data; Generating Missing Data
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Handling Planned and Unplanned Missing Data in a Longitudinal Study
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      Caron-Diotte, Mathieu, Pelletier-Dumas, Mathieu, Lacourse, Éric, Dorfman, Anna, Stolle, Dietlind, Lina, Jean-Marc, de la Sablonnière, Roxane
      Keywords: missing data, unplanned missingness, planned missingness, full information maximum likelihood, multiple imputation.
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Programming an n-Back task in Qualtrics using HTML and JavaScript
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      Bradley-Garcia, Meenakshie, Bolton, Victoria
      Keywords: n-back, working memory, cognition, neurocognitive tests, computer-based psychological testing
      Tools: Qualtrics, JavaScript, HTML
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Implementing multi-session learning studies out of the lab: Tips and tricks using OpenSesame
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Dahm, Stephan F., Ort, Eduard, Büsel, Christian, Sachse, Pierre, Mathot, Sebastiaan
      Keywords: repeated testing, experimental application tools, serial reaction time task
      Tools: OpenSesame
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Displaying Latent Classes in Figures: Consideration of Practices
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      Zhao, Xiang
      Keywords: visualization; latent class analysis; subgroup
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Analysis of frequency data: The ANOFA framework
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      Laurencelle, Louis, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: frequency; contingency table; analyses of frequencies; additive decomposition
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Confidence Intervals for the Coefficient Alpha Difference from Two Independent Samples (Groups)
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Padilla, Miguel A.
      Keywords: Reliability; internal consistency; independent samples; bootstrap
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Exemplification méthodologique d'une analyse de classes latentes avec R
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      Bellemare-Lepage, Agathe, Chatelois, Marion, Caron, Pier-Olivier
      Keywords: classes latentes, package poLCA, modélisation
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 19, no 1 (2023).

    • Regression models for count data with excess zeros: A comparison using survey data
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      Bhaskar, Adhin, Thennarasu, K., Philip, Mariamma, Jaisoorya, T. S.
      Keywords: count data; Poisson; negative binomial; zero inflation; hurdle regression
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Comment utiliser le programme d'analyse sémantique Sémato
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Trudel, Marissa
      Keywords: Semantic analyses; book content; statistics books
      Tools: Sémato
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Analysis of Treatment-Control Pre-Post-Follow-up Design Data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Sharpe, Donald, Cribbie, Robert A.
      Keywords: SPSS, ANOVA, Multilevel Models, Hierarchical Models, Mixed Models
      Tools: R, SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • From MMPI to MMPI-2-RF/MMPI-3: The abandonment of subterfuge
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      Parisien, Michel
      Keywords: MMPI/MMPI-2, RC scales/MMPI-2-RF, empirical versus factor-theoretic validity, MMPI-3
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Determining Negligible Associations in Regression
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      Alter, Udi, Counsell, Alyssa
      Keywords: Equivalence testing, negligible effect, linear regression, lack of association
      Tools: R Shiny
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Influence of dual-task load on redundant signal processes
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      Fox, Elizabeth L., Cook, Ashley D., Yang, Cheng-Ta, Fu, Hao-Lun, Latthirun, Kanthika, Howard, Zachary L.
      Keywords: Multi-tasking, cognitive workload, redundant signal processing
      (data file)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 18, no 3 (2022).

    • La validité psychométrique est d'abord un jugement : une perspective pragmatique
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      André, Nathalie, Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Validité, Validation psychométrique, Modèles factoriels, Modèles à facettes de Guttman Validity, Psychometric test validation
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Evaluating Different Scoring Methods for the Speeded Cloze-elide Test: The Application of the Rasch Partial Credit Model
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      Effatpanah, Farshad, Baghaei, Purya
      Keywords: Reduced redundancy, speeded cloze-elide test, scoring methods, item response theory, Rash partial credit model
      (data file)   (no appendix)

    • Computation of cumulative density of noncentral chi-square distribution in Excel
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Sambaraju, Prasanth
      Keywords: Power of chi-square test, cumulative distribution function, noncentral
      Tools: VBA
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A Step-By-Step Tutorial for Performing a Moderated Mediation Analysis using PROCESS
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Clement, Leah Mary, Bradley-Garcia, Meenakshie
      Keywords: moderation, mediation, moderated mediation, tutorial, data analysis
      Tools: PROCESS, SPSS
      (data file)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 18, no 2 (2022).

    • The posterior probability of a null hypothesis given a statistically significant result
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      Schad, Daniel J., Vasishth, Shravan
      Keywords: Null hypothesis significance testing, Bayesian inference, statistical power
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Power Analysis for Regression Coefficients: The Role of Multiple Predictors and Power to Detect all Coefficients Simultaneously
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Aberson, Christopher L., Rodriguez, Josue E., Siegel, Danielle
      Keywords: Put keywords here, in a comma separated list
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A Scoping Review of Latent Moderated Structural Equations and Recommendations
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Béland , Sébastien , Girard, Stéphanie , de Guise, Audrey-Anne
      Keywords: Structural equation model; Interaction; Practice; Psychology; Education
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Une introduction aux modèles de régressions multiniveaux avec R
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Duplessis-Marcotte, Félix, Lapointe, Raphaël, Caron, Pier-Olivier
      Keywords: Régression, Régression multiniveau, R, modélisation
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Testing difference in two proportions using D2prop macro in SPSS
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Daryanto, Ahmad
      Keywords: difference in two proportions, z-test, Wald interval, Yates's continuity correction, Agresti-Caffo interval
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • image2data: An R package to turn images in data sets
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Caron, Pier-Olivier, Dufresne, Alexandre
      Keywords: data visualization, R package, data extraction
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Le tau de Kendall et deux variantes pour mesurer la cohérence de variation entre deux séries ordinales, leurs propriétés et leurs valeurs critiques "honnêtes"
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Kendall's tau, variants of tau, honest critical values, monotonicity, normal approximation tau de Kendall
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Point and interval estimates for a standardized mean difference in paired-samples designs using a pooled standard deviation.
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Fitts, Douglas A.
      Keywords: confidence interval, Cohen's d, Hedges' g, simulation, noncentral t distribution
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 18, no 1 (2022).

    • Les distributions multinomiales, leur mesure par les tests khi2 et G, leur approximation par la loi khi-carré et l'analyse des tableaux de fréquences par le test $G$
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Multinomials; Statistical properties; Frequency tables; G test, Chi-square test
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A bivariate longitudinal cluster model with application to the Cognitive Reflection Test
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Berkowitz, Matthew, Altman, Rachel MacKay
      Keywords: Bivariate Longitudinal Model; Cluster Model, Gaussian Quadrature, Adaptive Quadrature; Mixed Model; Cognitive Reflection Test
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Bayesian Bootstrapped Correlation Coefficients
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Rodriguez, Josue E., Williams, Donald R.
      Keywords: Bayesian bootstrap, correlation, ordinal, credible interval
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Review of the partially overlapping samples framework: Paired observations and independent observations in two samples
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Derrick , Ben, White, Paul
      Keywords: missing observations, paired samples, partially overlapping samples, partially paired data
      Tools: R, Partiallyoverlapping
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Illustrations of serial mediation using PROCESS, Mplus and R
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lemardelet, Laura, Caron, Pier-Olivier
      Keywords: mediation, serial mediation
      Tools: PROCESS, Mplus, R
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Histogram lies about distribution shape and Pearson's coefficient of variation lies about relative variability
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      Silveira, Paulo Sergio Panse, Siqueira, Jose Oliveira
      Keywords: Histogram, density plot, relative variability, coefficient of relative dispersion, Pearson's coefficient of variation
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Interpretation and Visualization of Moderation Effects and Random Slopes in Multilevel Models
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lorah , Julie A.
      Keywords: moderation, interaction, random slopes, multilevel logistic regression, interpretation
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Corrigendum à La loi de Pascal restreinte et ses cas particuliers
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      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Loi des succès consécutifs, Indices de forme, Loi de Pascal restreinte, Loi géométrique d'ordre r
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 17, no 4 (2021).

    • A note on the interpretation and simulation of reparameterized intercepts in constrained versions of the nominal response model
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      Falk, Carl F.
      Keywords: Generalized partial credit model; Nominal response model; Monte Carlo simulations; Category collapsing.
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Big-M-Small-N Temporal-Order Judgment Data
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      Tünnermann, Jan, Scharlau, Ingrid
      Keywords: Temporal-order judgments, theory of visual attention
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • L'analyse de variation monotone pour les moyennes et les proportions
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Variation monotone, Analyse de variance, Analyse de proportions, Monotonic variation, Analysis of variance
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • GRD 2.1: An update to GRD for SPSS 27 and above
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis, Harding, Bradley
      Keywords: GRD; generator of random data.
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 17, no 3 (2021).

    • Étude comparative de trois fonctions de transformation d'une proportion (Anscombe, 1948 -- Freeman-Tukey, 1950 -- Chanter 1975)
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      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Proportions, Transformation arcsinus, Propriétés statistiques, Test sur une proportion, Test de différence entre deux proportions
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • La modélisation par équations structurelles -- Un guide d'accompagnement pour l'interface R
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      Dion, Karianne, Bodnaruc, Alexandra Maria, Trudel, Geneviève, Lamarche, Jani, Ranger, Valérie, Fobert, Sophie, Church, Kinsey Antonina, Ntumba Mukunzi, Joana, René, Jean-Louis
      Keywords: modélisation par équations structurelles, langage R, régression, analyse de trajectoire, analyse factorielle
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Le traitement statistique des proportions incluant l'analyse de variance, avec des exemples // The statistical handling of proportions including analysis of variance, with worked out examples
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Proportions, Transformation angulaire, Proportions corrélées, Analyse de variance, Test de McNemar
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A brief guide to sampling in educational settings
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      George, Ann Cathrice
      Keywords: Sampling, randomized sampling, stratification, cluster randomized sampling, large-scale assessment.
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The Corsi Blocks Task: Variations and coding with jsPsych
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Gibeau, Rose-Marie
      Keywords: Corsi Block Task, spatial working memory task, jsPsych, research methods
      Tools: JavaScript, jsPsych
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Who Belongs in School? Using Statistical Learning Techniques to Identify Linear, Nonlinear and Interactive Effects
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      Quintana, Rafael
      Keywords: school belonging, statistical learning, Lasso, MARS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Empirical vs. factorial validity in personality inventories: The MMPI-2 and the restructured RC scales
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Parisien, Michel
      Keywords: Empirical vs. theorical-factorial psychometric strategy; MMPI; MMPI-2; MMPI-2-RF; MMPI-3; Psychopathological clinical scales; Psychiatric diagnostic label versus identification marker; RC scales; MMPI-2 clinical scales covariation; Discrimination function analysis; Guttman facet theory.
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 17, no 2 (2021).

    • The exact binomial test between two independent proportions: A companion
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: exact test of two proportions
      Tools: Delphi, R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The variance sum law and its implications for modelling
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Caron, Pier-Olivier, Lemardelet, Laura
      Keywords: Statistics, variance, modelling, computation
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Validité empirique versus validité factorielle dans les inventaires de personnalité : le MMPI-2 et les échelles restructurées RC.// Empirical validity versus factorial validity in personality inventories: The MMPI-2 and the restructured RC scales
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Parisien, Michel
      Keywords: Empirical versus theoretical-factorial psychometric strategy; MMPI; MMPI-2; MMPI-2-RF; MMPI-3; Psychopathological clinical scales; Psychiatric diagnostic label versus identification marker; RC scales; MMPI-2 clinical scale covariation; Discriminant function analysis; Guttman facet theory.// Stratégie psychométrique empirique versus théorique-factorielle; MMPI, MMPI-2, MMPI-2-RF, MMPI-3; Échelle clinique psychopathologiques; Étiquette diagnostique psychiatrique versus identificatrice; Échelle RC; Covariation des échelles cliniques; Analyse discriminante; Théorie des facettes de Guttman.
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Computational modeling of behavioral tasks: An illustration on a classic reinforcement learning paradigm
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Suthaharan, Praveen, Corlett, Philip R., Ang, Yuen-Siang
      Keywords: Computational modeling, reinforcement learning, two-armed bandit, parameter estimation, maximum likelihood estimation
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Binary item CFA of Behavior Problem Index (BPI) using Mplus: A step-by-step tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Kim, Minjung, Winkler, Christa, Talley, Susan
      Keywords: binary confirmatory factor analysis, binary CFA
      Tools: Mplus
      (data file)   (no appendix)

    • Using the weighted Kendall Distance to analyze rank data in psychology
      Full information     Full text PDF
      van Doorn, Johnny, Westfall, Holly A., Lee, Michael D.
      Keywords: Ordinal data, Modeling tool, Rank correlation
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 17, no 1 (2021).

    • How prevalent is overfitting of regression models? A survey of recent articles in three psychology journals
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      Dalicandro, Lauren, Harder, Jane A., Mazmanian, Dwight, Weaver, Bruce
      Keywords: overfitting, replication crisis, regression, statistical best practices
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • neatStats: An R Package for a Neat Pipeline From Raw Data to Reportable Statistics in Psychological Science
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lukács, Gáspár
      Keywords: data processing, raw data, analysis, statistics, reporting
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Calculating statistical power for meta-analysis using metapower
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Griffin, Jason W.
      Keywords: moderator analysis, power analysis, statistical software, systematic review, evidence synthesis
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Variability of Bayes Factor estimates in Bayesian Analysis of Variance
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Pfister, Roland
      Keywords: Bayes Factor; Bayesian Analysis of Variance; Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling; Variability
      Tools: R, JASP
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • L'alpha de Cronbach, ses émules, la consistance interne, la fidélité : une mise au point
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: alpha de Cronbach, fidélité, consistance interne, Cronbach's alpha, reliability
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A study of confidence intervals for Cohen's dp in within-subject designs with new proposals
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      Cousineau, Denis, Goulet-Pelletier, Jean-Christophe
      Keywords: Standardized mean difference, confidence interval, within-subject design, noncentral t distribution, noncentral Lambda distribution
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 16, no 5 (2020). Special issue 15th anniversary!

    • An Equivalence Testing Approach for Evaluating Substantial Mediation
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Beribisky, Nataly, Mara, Constance A., Cribbie, Robert A.
      Keywords: Mediation, equivalence testing, substantial mediation
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Using Diagnostic Classification Models in Psychological Rating Scales
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Liu, Ren, Shi, Dexin
      Keywords: diagnostic classification model, psychological rating scales, item response theory, classical test theory
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • When is it most appropriate to control for initial scores? A comparison of examination methods for two-wave panel survey data changes
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Saito, Shinichi
      Keywords: Regression to the mean, change score analysis, ANOVA, ANCOVA, latent change score models
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Inter-Rater Agreement, Data Reliability, and The Crisis of Confidence in Psychological Research
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Button, Cathryn M., Snook, Brent, Grant, Malcolm J.
      Keywords: reliability; inter-rater agreement; Kappa; Percent Agreement; research methods, confidence intervals
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Got Bots? Practical Recommendations to Protect Online Survey Data from Bot Attacks
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Storozuk, Andie, Ashley, Marilyn, Delage, Véronic, Maloney, Erin A.
      Keywords: online data collection, bots, fraudulent responses, data integrity
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 16, no 4 (2020).

    • Esprit et enjeux de l'analyse factorielle exploratoire
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Achim, André
      Keywords: Analyse factorielle, nombre de facteurs, rotations, saturations nulles, facteurs doublets
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations with the SimDesign Package
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Chalmers, R. Philip, Adkins, Mark C.
      Keywords: Monte Carlo simulation, simulation experiments
      Tools: R package
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Commentary on "A review of effect sizes and their confidence intervals, Part I: The Cohen's d family": The degrees of freedom for paired samples designs.
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Fitts, Douglas A.
      Keywords: noncentral t distributions, parameter estimation, simulation
      Tools: R, C
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A Modernized Heuristic Approach to Robust Exploratory Factor Analysis
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Gibson Jr., Terry O., Morrow, Jennifer Ann, Rocconi, Louis M.
      Keywords: Robust EFA, Polychoric, Modern EFA, Schwarz's BIC
      Tools: FACTOR
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Compte rendu du colloque sur l'enseignement des statistiques 2020
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Goulet, Marc-André
      Keywords: Open Statistics Teaching Initiative; Statistiques
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A Tutorial on Testing the Equality of Standardized Regression Coefficients in Structural Equation Models using {W}ald Tests with lavaan
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Klopp, Eric
      Keywords: comparing standardized regression coefficients, Wald test, structural equation modeling
      Tools: lavaan
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • How to implement real-time interaction between participants in online surveys: A practical guide to SMARTRIQS
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Molnar, Andras
      Keywords: chat, real-time interaction, survey design, tutorial
      Tools: Qualtrics
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • On the Computation of the Topological Entropy of Artificial Grammars
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Vokey, John R., Jamieson, Randall K.
      Keywords: complexity, artificial grammars, topological entropy
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Visualizing Items and Measures: An Overview and Demonstration of the Kernel Smoothing Item Response Theory Technique
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Rajlic, Gordana
      Keywords: exploratory psychometric analysis, IRT, kernel smoothing, nonparametric regression, visualization
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Does preregistration improve the credibility of research findings?
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Rubin, Mark
      Keywords: forking paths, HARKing, multiple testing, optional stopping, $p$-hacking
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Une étude statistique des séries de deux ou plusieurs types d'éléments The statistical study of series of two or many types of elements: a digest
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: statistical series, runs, categorical variables, critical values, binomial variables
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Approximating the distribution of Cohen's d_p in within-subject designs
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Standardized mean difference, Cohen's d_p, noncentral t distribution
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Erratum to Appendix C of "A review of effect sizes and their confidence intervals, Part I: The Cohen's d family"
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Goulet-Pelletier , Jean-Christophe, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Confidence intervals, Cohen's d, pivoting method
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 16, no 3 (2020): Special issue on Suitable measurements of mental workload depending on its dimensions.

    • Editors' note: Suitable measurements of mental workload depending on its dimensions
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Albentosa, Julie, Chanquoy, Lucile
      Keywords: mental workload, cognitive load, measurement, intrinsic, extraneous and germane load
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Cognitive Load Ratings Supports a Two-Factor Model
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Jiang, Dayu, Kalyuga, Slava
      Keywords: cognitive load theory, cognitive load measures, subjective rating scales, confirmatory factor analysis
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • An Investigation of Using a Tablet Computer for Searching on the Web and the Influence of Cognitive Load
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Debue, Nicolas, Oufi, Nora, van de Leemput, Cécile
      Keywords: Tablet computer, performance, information search, cognitive load theory
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A multidimensional scale of mental workload evaluation based on Individual-Workload- Activity (IWA) model: Validation and relationships with job satisfaction
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Galy, Edith
      Keywords: Mental workload; organisational factors; evaluation; multivariate analysis
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 16, no 2 (2020): Special issue on Sampling Models.

    • The editorial on the special issue `Are sequential sampling models the future gold standard of cognitive psychology?'
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Yang, Cheng-Ta, Cousineau, Denis, Pfister, Roland
      Keywords: Sequential sampling models, Decision making, Response times
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Evidence Accumulation Models: Current Limitations and Future Directions
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Evans, Nathan J., Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan
      Keywords: Sampling models
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Linking the Ex-Gaussian Parameters to Cognitive Stages: Insights from the Linear Ballistic Accumulator (LBA) Model
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Fitousi, Daniel
      Keywords: Ex-Gaussian distribution, Linear Ballistic accumulator
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • When accuracy rates and mean response times lead to false conclusions: A simulation study based on the diffusion model
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lerche, Veronika, Voss, Andreas
      Keywords: diffusion model, validity, mathematical models, reaction time methods
      Tools: fast-dm
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Jumping to Conclusion? A Lévy Flight Model of Decision Making
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Wieschen, Eva Marie, Voss, Andreas, Radev, Stefan
      Keywords: Lévy flights, diffusion model, decision making
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Evidence accumulation models with R: A practical guide to hierarchical Bayesian methods
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lin, Yi-Shin, Strickland, Luke
      Keywords: Population-based Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Bayesian cognitive modeling, hierarchical cognitive models.
      Tools: R, ggdmc, C++
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The EZ Diffusion Model: An overview with derivation, software, and an application to the Same-Different task
      Full information     Full text PDF
      T. Groulx, Julien, Harding, Bradley, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Diffusion model; EZ; response times
      Tools: SPSS, Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • An LBA account of decisions in the multiple object tracking task
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Innes, Reilly J., Kuhne, Caroline L.
      Keywords: Linear Ballistic Accumulator
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Interactive Parallel Models: No Virginia, Violation of Miller's Race Inequality does not Imply Coactivation and Yes Virginia, Context Invariance is Testable
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Townsend, James T., Liu, Yanjun, Zhang, Ru, Wenger, Michael J.
      Keywords: parallel processing; channel interactions; correlated channels; disjunctive decisions; conjunctive decisions; stochastic linear systems; race inequality
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 16, no 1 (2020).

    • Where do the conceptual models for behaviour change come from, and how are they used? A critical and constructive appraisal
      Full information     Full text PDF
      André, Nathalie, Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Epistemology; Conceptual models; Validity; Predictive validity; Human ethology; Discovery
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Some computational descriptions of moderation analysis
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Caron, Pier-Olivier, Valois, Philippe, Gellen-Kamel, Alexandre
      Keywords: Moderation analysis, linear model, data modelling
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Contextualizing Statistical Suppression Within Pretest-Posttest Designs
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Farmus, Linda, Weiss, Jonathan A., Tajik-Parvinchi, Diana, Cribbie, Robert A.
      Keywords: statistical suppression; Lord's paradox; pretest-posttest designs
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Interpretation of main effects in the presence of non-significant interaction effects
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lorah, Julie A.
      Keywords: interactions; interpretation; main effects; moderation
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • La somme des rangs de Wilcoxon, ses moments, sa distribution nulle,avec illustration et compléments
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Non-parametric tests; Wilcoxon test; rank test
      Tools: Excel
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • EndoS: An SPSS macro to assess endogeneity
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Daryanto, Ahmad
      Keywords: Endogeneity, diagnostic test for endogeneity, weak instrument
      Tools: EndoS, SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 15, no 3 (2019).

    • Graphing Within-Subjects Effects
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lane, David M.
      Keywords: Graphing data, within-subject data, jittered plots, sum-different plots; box plots, plots of trends.
      (data file)   (no appendix)

    • Suppléer aux données manquantes par maximum de vraisemblance : une application à des variables de Bernoulli//Making up for missing data by maximum likelihood estimation: an application to Bernoulli variables
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Maximum likelihood estimation, Bernoulli variables, Binomial, Geometric, Pascal
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Tutorial on Designing, Implementing, and Analyzing a Degraded Image Paradigm: A Facial Expression-Decoding Task Example
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Hone, Liana S. E., Scofield, John E., Bartholow, Bruce D., Geary, David C.
      Keywords: tutorial, degraded image, facial expression-decoding
      Tools: GIMP, PsychoPy, E-Prime, R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Computerized Item Modeling Practices using Computer Adaptive Formative Assessment Automatic Item Generation System: A Tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Choi, Jaehwa, Zhang, Xinxin
      Keywords: Automatic Item Generation; Assessment Engineering; Evidence-centered Design; Digital Assessments; Computer Adaptive Formative Assessments
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Correlation-adjusted standard errors and confidence intervals for within-subject designs: A simple multiplicative approach
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Error bars, confidence intervals, correlations
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 15, no 2 (2019).

    • Generating Artificial Social Networks
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Johansson, Tobias
      Keywords: Social network, model, psychology, function
      Tools: Matlab
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Longitudinal item response modeling and posterior predictive checking in {R} and {Stan}
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Scharl, Anna, Gnambs, Timo
      Keywords: longitudinal, item response model, posterior predictive checking, Stan, Bayes
      Tools: R, RStan
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • New approaches for estimation of effect sizes and their confidence intervals for treatment effects from randomized controlled trials
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Feingold, Alan
      Keywords: effect sizes, confidence intervals, multilevel analysis, latent growth models
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • RSE-box: An analysis and modelling package to study response times to multiple signals
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Otto, Thomas U.
      Keywords: multisensory processing, perceptual decision making, reaction time, model fitting and parameter recovery
      Tools: MATLAB
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A tutorial on how to compute traditional IAT effects with {R}
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Röhner , Jessica, Thoss, Philipp J.
      Keywords: Implicit Association Test, IAT, traditional IAT effects, D measures, Conventional measures
      Tools: R
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • The Area of Resilience to Stress Event ({ARSE}): A New Method for Quantifying the Process of Resilience
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Ratcliff, Nathaniel J., Mahoney-Nair, Devika T., Goldstein, Joshua R.
      Keywords: resilience, methodology, measurement, stress event
      Tools: R
      (data file)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 15, no 1 (2019).

    • GRD for R: An intuitive tool for generating random data in R
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Calderini, Matias, Harding, Bradley
      Keywords: Statistics Teaching; Data Simulations; Sampling; R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Traditional and bayesian approaches for testing mean equivalence and a lack of association
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Hoyda, Joseph J., Counsell, Alyssa, Cribbie, Robert A.
      Keywords: equivalence tests, Bayes factor, Bayesian estimation, correlation, t-test
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Fisher contre Tukey, ou les paralogismes du contrôle alpha global pour évaluer la significativité statistique
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Global alpha control, Test of statistical hypotheses, Bonferroni correction, Probabilistic proof's logic
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Path analysis in Mplus: A tutorial using a conceptual model of psychological and behavioral antecedents of bulimic symptoms in young adults
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Barbeau, Kheana, Boileau, Kayla, Sarr, Fatima, Smith, Kevin
      Keywords: Put keywords here, in a comma separated list
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Corrigendum to "A review of effect sizes and their confidence intervals, Part I: The Cohen's d family"
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Goulet-Pelletier, Jean-Christophe, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Effect size, standard error, confidence intervals, Cohen's d
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a corrigendum dated 2019-03-03: read 10.20982/tqmp.14.4.p242
  • Volume 14, no 4 (2018).

    • Analyzing cyclic patterns in psychological data: A tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Verboon, Peter, Leontjevas, Ruslan
      Keywords: ESM, EMA, Cyclic models, multilevel analysis, intensive longitudinal data
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Quelle sorte de majorité, ou comment déterminer les lauréats d'un concours?
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Majority calculation, Condorcet's paradox, rank pooling rules
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A review of effect sizes and their confidence intervals, Part I: The Cohen's d family
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Goulet-Pelletier, Jean-Christophe, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Effect size, standard error, confidence intervals, Cohen's $d$, noncentral $t$-distribution
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 14, no 3 (2018).

    • Compte rendu du colloque "L'enseignement des statistiques en sciences humaines et sociales"
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lemay, Catherine, Laporte, William
      Keywords: Statistics teaching; proceedings; ACFAS 2018
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Testing for a lack of relationship among categorical variables
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Shishkina, Tanja, Farmus, Linda, Cribbie, Robert A.
      Keywords: equivalence testing, categorical variables, frequency tables
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Impact of simple substitution methods for missing data on Classical test theory difficulty and discrimination
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Béland, Sébastien, Jolani, Shahab, Pichette, François, Renaud, Jean-Sébastien
      Keywords: Classical test theory, item difficulty, item discrimination, missing data at random, educational testing
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A Primer on the benefits of differential treatment analysis when predicting discriminatory behavior
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Carlsson, Rickard, Agerström, Jens, Williams, Donald, Burns, Gary N.
      Keywords: Discrimination; attitudes; stereotypes; prejudice; methodology
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A primer on distributional assumptions and model linearity in repeated measures data analysis
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Peralta, Yadira, Kohli, Nidhi, Wang, Chun
      Keywords: repeated measures data, distributional assumptions, model linearity.
      Tools: SAS, R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 14, no 2 (2018).

    • Explanatory IRT Analysis Using the SPIRIT Macro in SPSS
      Full information     Full text PDF
      DiTrapani, Jack, Rockwood, Nicholas, Jeon, Minjeong
      Keywords: Item response theory, 1PL model, generalized linear mixed models, explanatory IRT models, IRTrees
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • User-friendly Bayesian regression modeling: A tutorial with rstanarm and shinystan
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Muth, Chelsea, Oravecz, Zita, Gabry, Jonah
      Keywords: Bayesian modeling, regression, hierarchical linear model
      Tools: Stan, R, rstanarm
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A Constrained Confirmatory Mixture IRT Model: Extensions and Estimation of the Saltus model using Mplus
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Jeon, Minjeong
      Keywords: Mixture IRT models; Confirmatory approach; Saltus model; Linear Constraints
      Tools: Mplus
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Welcome to Jupyter: Improving Collaboration and Reproduction in Psychological Research by Using a Notebook System
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Sprengholz, Philipp
      Keywords: Reproducible research, Interactive scientific computing, Collaboration, Notebook systems, Data management
      Tools: Jupyter, R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A computational description of simple mediation analysis
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Caron, Pier-Olivier, Valois, Philippe
      Keywords: mediation analysis, indirect effect, power analysis
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 14, no 1 (2018).

    • Spike Neural Models Part II: Abstract Neural Models
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Johnson, Melissa G., Chartier, Sylvain
      Keywords: Neural models, spiking neural networks, leaky integrate and fire, Izhikevich's model
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • EZ: An Easy Way to Conduct a More Fine-Grained Analysis of Faked and Nonfaked Implicit Association Test (IAT) Data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Röhner, Jessica, Thoss, Philipp
      Keywords: Implicit Association Test (IAT), diffusion model analyses, IAT effects, fast-dm, EZ
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Open-Ended Measurement of Whole-Body Movement: A Feasibility Study
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Finn, Michael T. M., Smith, Connor L., Nash, Michael R.
      Keywords: motion capture, human movement, complexity, behavior measurement
      Tools: iPi Motion Capture, R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Dzz2 ou W pour tester la normalité des données d'un échantillon
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Non-normality tests; Shapiro-Wilk W; Non-normal densities; Comparative Study.
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Creating Customized Data Files in E-Prime: A Practical Tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      İyilikci, Osman
      Keywords: Experiment programming, E-Basic, E-Prime
      Tools: E-Prime
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 13, no 3 (2017).

    • Simple and parallel mediation: A tutorial exploring anxiety sensitivity, sensation seeking, and gender
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Kane, Leanne, Ashbaugh, Andrea R.
      Keywords: mediation, gender differences, anxiety sensitivity, sensation seeking
      Tools: SPSS, PROCESS macro
      (data file)   (no appendix)

    • Assessing the monitor warm-up time required before a psychological experiment can begin
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Poth, Christian H., Horstmann, Gernot
      Keywords: vision science, CRT, LED, luminance, contrast
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Participant Crosstalk: Issues When Using the Mechanical Turk
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Edlund, John E., Lange, Kathleene M., Sevene, Andrea M., Umansky, Jonathan, Beck, Cassandra D., Bell, Daniel J.
      Keywords: mTurk; Participant Crosstalk
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 13, no 2 (2017).

    • Spike neural models (part I): The Hodgkin-Huxley model
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Johnson, Melissa G., Chartier, Sylvain
      Keywords: Spiking neural networks, neural models, Hodkgin-Huxley model
      Tools: Matlab
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • How to compare the means of two samples that include paired observations and independent observations: A companion to Derrick, Russ, Toher and White (2017)
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Derrick, Ben, Toher, Deirdre, White, Paul
      Keywords: Partially overlapping samples; incomplete observations; Welch's test; independent samples; paired samples; equality of means
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Is intermediately inspecting statistical data necessarily a bad research practice?
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lang, Albert-Georg
      Keywords: Intermediately inspecting data, ANOVA, alpha error cumulation, group-sequential testing, Monte-Carlo simulations
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Le test binomial exact de la différence entre deux proportions et ses approximations [The exact binomial test between two proportions and its approximations]
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: ifference between two proportions, Exact binomial test, Fisher's exact probability test, Binomial-to-normal approximation, Continuity correction
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 13, no 1 (2017).

    • Adding bias to reduce variance in psychological results: A tutorial on penalized regression
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Helwig, Nathaniel E.
      Keywords: penalized least squares, ordinary least squares, ridge, lasso, elastic net
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Graphical methods for multivariate linear models in psychological research: An R tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Friendly, Michael, Sigal, Matthew
      Keywords: Canonical discriminant plots, Hypothesis-Error (HE) plots, MANOVA, MANCOVA, MMRA
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • interpretation of the point-biserial correlation coefficient in the context of a school examination
      Full information     Full text PDF
      LeBlanc, Vincent, Cox, Michael A. A.
      Keywords: Tutorial, Examination, Assessment, Point-Biserial Correlation, Corrected Point-Biserial Correlation
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • ivote: A simple system to conduct polls and quiz in class settings
      Full information     Full text PDF
      T. Groulx , Julien, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Tools, in-class poll
      Tools: SPSS, Mathematica, R, Python, Power-Point
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Testing the number of required dimensions in exploratory factor analysis
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Achim, André
      Keywords: Exploratory Factor Analysis, Monte Carlo Comparisons, Number of Factors
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • An extension of within-subject confidence intervals to models with crossed random effects
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Politzer-Ahles, Stephen
      Keywords: confidence intervals, repeated measures, linear mixed effects, within-subjects confidence intervals, crossed random effects
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • The unweighted ``harmonic mean'' solution for unbalanced anova designs : A detailed argument
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Anova, Unbalanced design, Harmonic mean solution
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 12, no 3 (2016).

    • The Companion paper as a complement to regular papers
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Editorial
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Fitting three-level meta-analytic models in R: A step-by-step tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Assink, Mark, Wibbelink, Carlijn J. M.
      Keywords: meta-analysis, multilevel analysis
      Tools: R,, metafor
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Bayesian linear mixed models using Stan: A tutorial for psychologists, linguists, and cognitive scientists
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Sorensen, Tanner, Hohenstein, Sven, Vasishth, Shravan
      Keywords: Bayesian data analysis, linear mixed models
      Tools: Stan, R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Generalizing across stimuli as well as subjects: A non-mathematical tutorial on mixed-effects models
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Chang, Yu-Hsuan A., Lane, David M.
      Keywords: mixed-effects models, tutorials
      Tools: JMP, SAS, SPSS, R
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • How to analyze (faked) Implicit Association Test data by applying diffusion model analyses with the fast-dm software: A companion to Röhner & Ewers (2016)
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Röhner, Jessica, Ewers, Torsten
      Keywords: IAT, diffusion model analyses, fast-dm, IAT_v, IAT_a
      Tools: Fast-DM
      (data file)   (no appendix)

    • Person fit assessment using the PerFit package in R
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Mousavi, Amin, Tendeiro, Jorge N., Younesi, Jalil
      Keywords: Person fit, Item response theory, Aberrant responding, Test validity
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Formatting and Presentation as Confounds in Online Studies
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Engelbrecht, Jessica L., Edlund, John E.
      Keywords: participant biases, online studies, survey construction, order effects
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Violation of the homogeneity of regression slopes assumption in ANCOVA for two-group pre-post designs: Tutorial on a modified Johnson-Neyman procedure
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Johnson, Teresa R.
      Keywords: Aptitude-treatment interaction effects; two-group pre-post designs; ANCOVA; Johnson-Neyman procedure
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 12, no 2 (2016).

    • Application of k-means clustering in psychological studies
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Zakharov, Kyrylo
      Keywords: cluster analysis, k-means clustering, algorithms, data processing, validation of clustering solutions
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Analysing, Interpreting, and Testing the Invariance of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Gareau, Alexandre, Fitzpatrick, Josee, Gaudreau, Patrick, Lafontaine, Marie-France
      Keywords: Actor-partner interdependence model, dyadic data analysis, invariance testing, CFA, methodology
      Tools: MPLUS
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • The assumption of sphericity in repeated-measures designs: What it means and what to do when it is violated
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lane, David M.
      Keywords: analysis of variance, sphericity, epsilon correction, repeated measures
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Les lois Gamma restreintes, leurs variantes, leurs moments et quelques bribes de leurs distributions Time-constrained Gamma variables, their variants, moments and distribution
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Constrained Gamma distributions, Cumulative triggering function
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Le quotient de deux variances corrélées, sa distribution et son test
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Correlated variances, t-test on correlated variances
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • GSD: An SPSS extension command for sub-sampling and bootstrapping datasets
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harding, Bradley, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: statistics teaching; sub-sampling; Bootstrap
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • schoRsch: An R package for analyzing and reporting factorial experiments
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Pfister, Roland, Janczyk, Markus
      Keywords: R software, usability, APA style, effect sizes
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 12, no 1 (2016).

    • An overview of the Normal Ogive Harmonic Analysis Robust Method (NOHARM) approach to item response theory
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lee, J. J., Lee, M. K.
      Keywords: Factor analysis, Item response theory, Psychometrics
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A unified factor-analytic approach to the detection of item and test bias: Illustration with the effect of providing calculators to students with dyscalculia
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lee, M. K., Lee, J. J., Wells, C. S., Sireci, S. G.
      Keywords: Factor analysis, Item response theory, Measurement invariance, Differential item functioning, Dyscalculia
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Why Welch's test is Type I error robust
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Derrick, B., White, P.
      Keywords: Independent samples t-test, Welch's test, Welch's approximation, Behrens-Fisher problem, Equality of means
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Systems Factorial Technology Explained to Humans
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harding, Bradley, Goulet, Marc-André, Jolin, Stéphanie, Tremblay, Christophe, Villeneuve, Simon-Pierre, Durand, Guillaume
      Keywords: System Factorials Technology, Cognitive processes, Information processing architectures, Interaction Contrasts, Capacity measures
      Tools: Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Impact on Cronbach's alpha of simple treatment methods for missing data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Béland, Sébastien, Pichette, Francois, Jolani, S.
      Keywords: Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, Missing data, Missing completely at random, Missing at random, Simulation study
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • How to Use the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) To Estimate Different Dyadic Patterns in MPLUS: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Fitzpatrick, Josée, Gareau, Alexandre, Lafontaine, Marie-France, Gaudreau, Patrick
      Keywords: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, Dyadic data analysis, Tutorial
      Tools: MPLUS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 11, no 3 (2015).

    • An extended SPSS extension command for generating random data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harding, Bradley, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: GRD, Graphical User Interface, Contaminants, Correlation, Sampling
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • New statistical inference for the Weibull distribution
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Zhao, X., Cheng, W., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Yang, Z.
      Keywords: Weibull distribution, Gamma distribution, Dirichlet distribution, Rejection region, Power
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Inference for the Weibull Distribution: A tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Scholz, F. W.
      Keywords: Weibull distribution, confidence intervals, Inference
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Le différentiel de sélection multiple
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Personnel selection, selection differential, multivariate selection differential, differential selection, gain in performance
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Cognitive Diagnosis Models in R: A didactic
      Full information     Full text PDF
      George, A. C., Robitzsch, A.
      Keywords: Cognitive DiagnosisModels, R, Competence modeling
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 11, no 2 (2015).

    • Partial least squares regression in the social sciences
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Sawatsky, Megan L. , Clyde, Matthew, Meek, Fiona
      Keywords: Partial least squares regression, latent variable, extraction method
      Tools: JMP, SAS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Analyses des classes et des transitions latentes : des outils pour documenter le parcours de développement des compétences.
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harvey, Léon
      Keywords: Latent class, Latent transition, Competency, Modelling, Morphosyntax
      Tools: R statistical environment
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Applying Linear Mixed Effects Models with Crossed Random Effects to Psycholinguistic Data: Multilevel Specification and Model Selection.
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Yu, Hsiu-Ting
      Keywords: Model selection, linear mixed effects model, random effects, psycholinguistics
      Tools: SAS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The Recording and Quantification of Event-Related Potentials: I. Stimulus Presentation and Data Acquisition
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Tavakoli, Paniz, Campbell, Kenneth
      Keywords: Event-related potentials, data acquisition,, stimulus parameters, EEG, Artifact
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The Recording and Quantification of Event-Related Potentials: II. Signal Processing and Analysis
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Tavakoli, Paniz, Campbell, Kenneth
      Keywords: Event-related potentials, signal processing, quantification, cognitive processes
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Developing Affective Mental Imagery Stimuli with Multidimensional Scaling
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Facciani, Matthew J.
      Keywords: multidimensional scaling, stimuli development, mental imagery, affect
      Tools: SYSTAT
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Erratum to "Representing Error bars in within-subject designs in typical software packages"
      Full information     Full text PDF
      O'Brien, Fearghal, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Error bars, within-subject designs
      Tools: Matlab
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a corrigendum dated 2015-06-05: read 10.20982/tqmp.10.1.p056
  • Volume 11, no 1 (2015).

    • A general non-linear index of association between two continuous rank-order variables
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: rank-order association index, Non-linear dependencies, non-parametric correlation
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Hierarchical Cluster Analysis: Comparison of Three Linkage Measures and Application to Psychological Data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Yim, Odilia, Ramdeen, Kylee T.
      Keywords: Cluster analysis, Hierarchical cluster analysis, Agglomerative linkage
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • An Introduction to Spatial Analysis in Social Science Research
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Xu, Yanqing, Kennedy, Eugene
      Keywords: Spatial Regression, Geographically Weighted Regression, Spatial Lag Model, Spatial Clustering
      Tools: SAS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The standard error of the Pearson skew
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harding, Bradley, Tremblay, Christophe, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Standard error, Pearson skew, Descriptive statistics, Shape of a distribution
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A Practical Tutorial on Conducting Meta-Analysis in R
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Del Re, A. C.
      Keywords: Meta-analysis, Effect sizes, Tutorial
      Tools: R statistical environment
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Errata to Non-central t distribution and the power of the t test: A rejoinder
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis, Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Statistical power, t test, Errata
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a corrigendum dated 2015-02-02: read 10.20982/tqmp.07.1.p001
  • Volume 10, no 2 (2014).

    • Restoring confidence in psychological science findings: A call for direct replication studies
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Editorial, category of articles, replication studies
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • GRD: An SPSS extension command for generating random data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harding, Bradley, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Statistics Teaching, Data Simulations, Sampling
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Psychometric validation of the Sentence Verification Technique to assess L2 reading comprehension ability
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Pichette, François, Béland, Sébastien, de Serres, Linda, Lafontaine, Marc
      Keywords: Sentence Verification Technique, Reading comprehension, Reading test, Readability, Rasch model
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Standard errors: A review and evaluation of standard error estimators using Monte Carlo simulations
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harding, Bradley, Tremblay, Christophe, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Statistics, Standard errors, Estimation, Evaluation
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Sample size estimation for correlations with pre-specified confidence interval
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Moinester, Murray, Gottfried, Ruth
      Keywords: sample size estimation, correlation, confidence interval
      Tools: R statistical environment
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Spiking variability: Theory, measures and implementation in matlab
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Kuebler, Eric S., Thivierge, Jean-Philippe
      Keywords: Spiking variability, time-series data, neuronal networks
      Tools: Matlab
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis with missing data: A simple method for SPSS users
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Weaver, Bruce, Maxwell, Hillary
      Keywords: Exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, missing data, expectation maximization
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Handling missing data in cluster randomized trials: A demonstration of multiple imputation with PAN through SAS
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Zhou, Jiangxiu, Connell, Lauren E., Graham, John W.
      Keywords: PAN, missing data, cluster randomized trials, multiple imputation
      Tools: SAS, R statistical environment
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Relative selection as a function of two pre-weighted criteria: A study of two procedures
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Relative selection, pre-weighted criteria, nominal weights, additive scheme, sequential scheme
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Pupillometry of taste: Methodological guide – from acquisition to data processing - and toolbox for MATLAB
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lemercier, Anaïs, Guillot, Geneviève, Courcoux, Philippe, Garrel, Claire, Baccino, Thierry, Schlich, Pascal
      Keywords: Pupillometry, tasting, methodology
      Tools: Matlab
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Partial Least Squares tutorial for analyzing neuroimaging data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Van Roon, Patricia, Zakizadeh, Jila, Chartier, Sylvain
      Keywords: Partial least squares, PLS, regression, correlation
      Tools: Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 10, no 1 (2014).

    • Outstanding Data sets: A new category of articles that promotes modelling published in the Quantitative Methods for Psychology
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis, Helie, Sebastien
      Keywords: Editorial, category of articles, outstanding data set
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The discriminating capacity of a measuring instrument: Revisiting Bloom (1942)’s theory and formula
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Discriminating capacityl, category of articles, Classical test theory, Reliability
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • When to Use Hierarchical Linear Modeling
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Huta, Veronika
      Keywords: hierarchical linear modeling, multilevel modeling, repeated-measures, analysis of variance
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • An SPSS Macro to Compute Confidence Intervals for Pearson’s Correlation
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Weaver, Bruce, Koopman, Ray
      Keywords: Correlation, confidence interval
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Robust factor analysis in the presence of normality violations, missing data, and outliers: Empirical questions and possible solutions
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Zygmont, Conrad, Smith, Mario R.
      Keywords: Exploratory factor analysis, analytical decision making, data screening, factor extraction
      Tools: R statistical environment
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Representing Error bars in within-subject designs in typical software packages
      Full information     Full text PDF
      O'Brien, Fearghal, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Error bars, within-subject designs, SPSS, R statistical environment, Mathematica
      Tools: SPSS, R, Mathematica, Matlab
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • The analysis of event rates using intervals
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lemon, Jim
      Keywords: Uncommon events, information content, event historyanalysis, statistical model
      Tools: R statistical environment
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 9, no 2 (2013).

    • Conducting Simulation Studies in the R Programming Environment
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Hallgren, Kevin A.
      Keywords: statistics, simulation studies
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Improving maximum likelihood estimation using prior probabilities: A tutorial on maximum a posteriori estimation and an examination of the weibull distribution
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis , Hélie, Sébastien
      Keywords: statistics, maximum likelihood estimation, Weibull distribution
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Easy methods for extracting individual regression slopes: Comparing SPSS, R, and Excel
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Pfister, Roland, Schwarz, Katharina, Carson, Robyn, Jancyzk, Markus
      Keywords: statistics, regression, regression coefficient analysis
      Tools: R, Excel, SPSS
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A Beginner’s Guide to Factor Analysis: Focusing on Exploratory Factor Analysis
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Yong, An Gie, Pearce, Sean
      Keywords: statistics, factor analysis, Exploratory factor analysis
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Erratum to Hallgren, K. A. (2012). Computing inter-rater reliability for observational data: An overview and tutorial.
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Hallgren, Kevin A.
      Keywords: statistics, inter-rater reliability, kappa, Erratum
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a corrigendum dated 2013-10-12: read 10.20982/tqmp.08.1.p023
  • Volume 9, no 1 (2013).

    • Presenting and analyzing movie stimuli for psychocinematic research
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Shimamura, Arthur P.
      Keywords: experimental psychology, psychocinematic research, movie presentation
      Tools: E-Prime
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Against coefficient of variation for estimation of intraindividual variability with accuracy measures
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Golay, Philippe, Fagot, Delphine, Lecerf, Thierry
      Keywords: descriptive statistics, coefficient of variation, accuracy measure
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The k-means clustering technique: General considerations and implementation in Mathematica
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Morissette, Laurence, Chartier, Sylvain
      Keywords: statistics, k-mean clustering
      Tools: Mathematica
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Crossing Language Barriers: Using Crossed Random Effects Modelling in Psycholinguistics Research
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Carson, Robyn J., Beeson, Christina M. L.
      Keywords: statistics, multilevel modelling, hierarchical linear modelling
      Tools: SPSS
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Erratum to Andruff, Carraro, Thompson, Gaudreau, and Louvet (2009): Latent Class Growth Modelling: A tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Andruff, Heather, Carraro, Natasha, Thompson, Amanda , Gaudreau, Patrick, Louvet, Benoit
      Keywords: statistics, latent class analysis
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a corrigendum dated 2013-02-17: read 10.20982/tqmp.05.1.p011
  • Volume 8, no 3 (2012).

    • Le nombre de permutations dans les tests permutationnels; The number of permutations in permutation tests
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: statistical tests, permutation test
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Un algorithme efficace pour la comparaison de deux moyennes indépendantes par combinatoire exhaustive; Highly efficient algorithms for the exact randomization test of the difference between two independent means
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Ferland, Pierre, Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: statistical tests, permutation test, mean test
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • L’interprétation stochastique du sociogramme et le problème des choix exceptionnels; A statistical interpretation of the sociogram and the determination of exceptional choice
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: sociogram, choice problem
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Un indice général d’association entre deux variables continues; A general non-linear index of association for two continuous variables
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: statistical tests, association index
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • La représentativité d’un échantillon et son test par le Khi-deux; Testing the representativeness of a sample
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: statistical tests, khi-square test
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Erratum to Cousineau (2005): Confidence intervals in within-subject designs: A simpler solution to Loftus and Masson’s method
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: statistical plot, error bars, within-subject design
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a corrigendum dated 2012-10-03: read 10.20982/tqmp.01.1.p042
  • Volume 8, no 2 (2012).

    • Using partial components to restore and use the concurrent validity of the Index of Readiness
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Bourdeau, Marc, Delmas, Philippe, Sylvain, Hélène
      Keywords: psychometric tests, partial components, index of readiness, hiv
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Faut-il contrôler l’erreur de type I dans le cas de comparaisons de moyennes multiples? Must we over-control the type I error rate in post anova multiple comparison procedures?
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: ANOVA, post-hoc tests, type I error rate
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Statistical simulation and counterfactual analysis in social sciences
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Gélineau, François, Bédard, Pierre-Olivier, Ouimet, Mathieu
      Keywords: Statistics, Counterfactual analysis, Simulations
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Detecting outliers in multivariate data while controlling false alarm rate
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Achim, André
      Keywords: Multivariate analysis, Outliers, type I error rate, Excel
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • A short introduction into Bayesian evaluation of informative hypotheses as an alternative to exploratory comparisons of multiple group means
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Béland, Sébastien, Klugkist, Irene, Raîche, Gilles, Magis, David
      Keywords: ANOVA, a priori tests, Bayesian approach, multiple tests
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 8, no 1 (2012).

    • Decomposing interactions using GLM in combination with the COMPARE, LMATRIX and MMATRIX subcommands in SPSS
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Howell, Glen T., Lacroix, Guy L.
      Keywords: ANOVA, interactions, GLM, SPSS
      Tools: SPSS
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Computing Inter-Rater Reliability for Observational Data: An Overview and Tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Hallgren, Kevin A.
      Keywords: inter-rater reliability, Cohen's kappa
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • La loi de Pascal restreinte et ses cas particuliers; Constrained Pascal distribution and its special cases
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Pascal distribution, statistics
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • An introduction to hierarchical linear modeling
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Woltman, Heather, Feldstain, Andrea , MacKay, J. Christine, Rocchi, Meredith
      Keywords: Hierarchical Linear Models, Nested Data, Hypothesis Testing, Parameter Estimation
      Tools: HLM
      (data file)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 7, no 2 (2011): Special issue of colloque Méthodes Quantitatives et Sciences humaines, juin 2011.

    • Un nouveau siècle des lumières?
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Loye, Nathalie
      Keywords: editorial, special issue
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Automatic Maxima Detection: A Graphical User Interface and a Tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Dandurand, Frédéric, Shultz, Thomas R.
      Keywords: maxima detection, graphical interface
      Tools: Matlab
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Hidden Markov models and learning in authentic situations
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Harvey, Léon
      Keywords: learning situation, hidden markov model
      Tools: Matlab
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Les estimateurs de capacité dans la théorie des réponses aux items et leur biais
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis, Germain, Stéphane
      Keywords: item reponse theory, monte carlo
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 7, no 1 (2011).

    • Non-central t distribution and the power of the t test: A rejoinder
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis , Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Statistical power, t test, Noncentral t distribution
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a clarification dated 2011-04-01: read 10.20982/tqmp.03.2.p060

    • Correspondence Analysis applied to psychological research
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Doey, Laura, Kurta, Jessica
      Keywords: Correspondence analysis, statistics
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Randomization test of mean is compuationally inaccessible when the number of groups exceeds two
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Randomization test, statistics
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 6, no 2 (2010).

    • Assessing parameter invariance in item response theory’s logistic two item parameter model: A monte carlo investigation
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Galdin, Marlène, Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Item response theory, Ability parameter, Estimation, Invariance, Monte Carlo
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Quantitative Methodology Research: Is it on Psychologists’ Reading Lists?
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Mills, Laura, Abdulla, Eva, Cribbie, Robert A.
      Keywords: Quantitative methods, meta-analyses
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 6, no 1 (2010).

    • The Application of Canonical Correlation to Two-Dimensional Contingency Tables
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lee, Howard B. , Katz, Gary S. , Restori, Alberto F.
      Keywords: Stastitics, Canonical correlation, Contingency table
      Tools: SPSS, BMD, Matlab
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Assessing Conceptual Complexity and Compressibility Using Information Gain and Mutual Information
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Mathy, Fabien
      Keywords: Information theory, Information gain and mutual information
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • An Introduction to Independent Component Analysis: InfoMax and FastICA algorithms
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Langlois, Dominic, Chartier, Sylvain, Gosselin, Dominique
      Keywords: Statistics, Independent component analysis
      Tools: Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 5, no 2 (2009).

    • Getting the most from your curves: Exploring and reporting data using informative graphical techniques
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando, Matsunaga, Masaki
      Keywords: Statistics, Exploratory data analysis, Box plot, Confidence intervals, Violin plot
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Le tau et le tau-b de Kendall pour la corrélation de variables ordinales simples ou catégorielles
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Statistics, Correlation, Ordinal variables, Categorical variables
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Using Mathematica within E-Prime
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Experiment programming
      Tools: E-Prime, Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • An introduction to E-Prime
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Richard, Laurence, Charbonneau, Dominic
      Keywords: Experiment programming
      Tools: E-Prime
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 5, no 1 (2009).

    • A Review of Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and its Utility in Various Psychological Domains
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Jaworska, Natalia, Chupetlovska-Anastasova, Angelina
      Keywords: Stastitics, Multidimensional scaling
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Latent Class Growth Modelling: A Tutorial
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Andruff, Heather, Carraro, Natasha, Thompson, Amanda, Gaudreau, Patrick, Louvet, Benoît
      Keywords: Stastitics, Latent class
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Computing Effect Size Measures with ViSta-The Visual Statistics System
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Ledesma, Rubén Daniel, Macbeth, Guillermo, Cortada de Kohan, Nuria
      Keywords: Stastitics, effect size, means difference
      Tools: ViSta
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • On the perils of categorizing responses
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lemon, Jim
      Keywords: Stastitics, Conversion to a categorical scale
      Tools: R
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 4, no 2 (2008).

    • Using the Chow Test to Analyze Regression Discontinuities
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lee, Howard H.
      Keywords: Statistics, Regression, Regression discontinuity
      Tools: SPSS
      (data file)   (Appendix)

    • Introduccción al Bootstrap: Desarrollo de un ejemplo acompañado de software de aplicación
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Ledesma, Rubén
      Keywords: Stastitics, Boostrap
      Tools: ViSta
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Confidence Intervals from Normalized Data: A correction to Cousineau (2005)
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Morey, Richard D.
      Keywords: Stastitics, Confidence intervals
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

      There has been a clarification dated 2008-09-01: read 10.20982/tqmp.01.1.p042

    • General Linear Models: An Integrated Approach to Statistics
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Chartier, Sylvain, Faulkner, Andrew
      Keywords: Stastitics, General linear model
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 4, no 1 (2008).

    • L'établissement d'une norme de qualification sûre dans un contexte non paramétrique
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Statistics, Confidence intervals
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • The Mann-Whitney U: A Test for Assessing Whether Two Independent Samples Come from the Same Distribution
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Nachar, Nadim
      Keywords: Statistics, Mann-Whitney test
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Eliminating Aggregation Bias in Experimental Research: Random Coefficient Analysis as an Alternative to Performing a ‘by-subjects’ and/or ‘by-items’ ANOVA
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Thompson, Glenn L.
      Keywords: Statistics, ANOVA
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • How to use MATLAB to fit the ex-Gaussian and other probability functions to a distribution of response times
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lacouture, Yves, Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Quantitative methods, Distribution fitting
      Tools: Matlab
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

  • Volume 3, no 2 (2007): Special issue on statistical power

    • Editor’s note: The uncorrupted statistical power
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Descôteaux, Jean
      Keywords: Statistics, Statistical power, Editorial
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Statistical power: An historical introduction
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Descôteaux, Jean
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Inventer ou estimer la puissance statistique ? Quelques considérations utiles pour le chercheur
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Understanding Power and Rules of Thumb for Determining Sample Sizes
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Wilson Van Voorhis, Carmen R., Morgan, Betsy L.
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A short tutorial of GPower
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Mayr, Susanne, Erdfelder, Edgar, Buchner, Axel, Faul, Franz
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power
      Tools: G-Power
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Computing the power of a t test
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power, t test
      Tools: SPSS, Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Understanding statistical power using noncentral probability distributions: Chi-squared, G-squared, and ANOVA
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Hélie, Sébastien
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power, chi-square and anova
      Tools: Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Power Estimation in Multivariate Analysis of Variance
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Chartier, Sylvain, Allaire, Jean François
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power, multivariate analysis of variance
      Tools: Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A power primer
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cohen, Jacob
      Keywords: Statistics, statistical power, t-test, correlation and analysis of variance
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 3, no 1 (2007).

    • A significance test of interaction in 2 x K designs with proportions
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Michael, George A.
      Keywords: Statistical test, Test of proportions
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Implementing and evaluating the nested maximum likelihood estimation technique
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Parameter estimation, Maximum likelihood method
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Les tableaux de fréquences 2 x 2 et leur traitement statistique
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Laurencelle, Louis
      Keywords: Statistical test, Tests of proportions
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 2, no 2 (2006): Special issue on "RT(N) = a + b N-c: The power law of learning"

    • The introduction to the special issue on "RT(N) = a + b N-c: The power law of learning 25 years later"
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lacroix, Guy L., Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Editorial, power law
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • A cognitive odyssey: From the power law of practice to a general learning mechanism and beyond
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Rosenbloom, Paul S.
      Keywords: Power law, SOAR
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Transfer of training and its effect on learning curves
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Speelman, Graig P., Kirsner, Kim
      Keywords: Power law, Transfer of learning
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Human learning: Power laws or multiple characteristic time scales?
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Newell, Karl M., Mayer-Kress, Gottfried, Liu, Yeou-The
      Keywords: Power law, Superposition of exponential curves
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Getting parameters from learning data
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis, Lacroix, Guy L.
      Keywords: Power law, How-to guide
      Tools: SPSS, Excel, Mathematica
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Allen Newell (1927-1992)
      Full information     Full text PDF
      CMU Soar research group, The
      Keywords: Power law, Obituary
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 2, no 1 (2006).

    • An Introduction to Model Selection: Tools and Algorithms
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Hélie, Sébastien
      Keywords: Modelisation, Model selection, Number of free parameters
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Confidence Intervals: From tests of statistical significance to confidence intervals, range hypotheses and substantial effects
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Beaulieu-Prévost, Dominic
      Keywords: Statistics, Confidence intervals, Null hypotesis tests
      (no sample data)   (Appendix)

    • Formatting data files for repeated-measures analyses in SPSS: Using the Aggregate and Restructure procedures
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Lacroix, Guy L., Giguère, Gyslain
      Keywords: Statistics, repeated-measure designs
      Tools: SPSS
      (data file)   (no appendix)

    • Collecting and analyzing data in multidimensional scaling experiments: A guide for psychologists using SPSS
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Giguère, Gyslain
      Keywords: Statistics, Multidimensional scaling
      Tools: SPSS
      (data file)   (no appendix)

  • Volume 1, no 1 (2005).

    • The rise of quantitative methods in psychology
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Quantitative methods, Editorial
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Le Dominique Interactif
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Ouellette, Valérie
      Keywords: Questionnaire
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Statistiques circulaires et utilisations en psychologie
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Mello, Catherine
      Keywords: Statistiques circulaires, Statistiques
      Tools: Excel
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Statistical analysis of the mismatch negativity: To a dilemma, an answer
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Beauchemin, Maude, De Beaumont, Louis
      Keywords: Mismatch negativity, ERP measure
      Tools: BrainVision
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Analyse de classification hiérarchique et qualité de vie
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Vachon, Mélanie, Beaulieu-Prévost, Dominic, Ouellette, Amélie, Achille, Marie
      Keywords: Analyses hiérarchiques, Statistiques
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Guide de compilation et d’analyse de données pour la version enfants de la Batterie de Montréal d’Évaluation de l’Amusie (BMEA)
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Taillon, Annie
      Keywords: Questionnaire
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • L'analyse de régression logistique
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Desjardins, Julie
      Keywords: Regression logistique, Statistiques
      Tools: SPSS
      (no sample data)   (no appendix)

    • Confidence intervals in within-subject designs: A simpler solution to Loftus and Masson's method
      Full information     Full text PDF
      Cousineau, Denis
      Keywords: Error bars, Repeated measure designs, Statistics
      Tools: SPSS
      (data file)   (Appendix)

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